3 Ways Dental Implants Are The Superior Choice For Tooth Replacement

Posted on: 9 March 2022

Most people will have two basic options when it comes to replacing teeth that have been damaged, have been lost, or have become decayed. These options are to wear dentures or replace the tooth with a dental implant and crown. While there are benefits associated with each of these options, more and more people are finding that dental implants really are the superior option. Read on to learn more about three of the ways in which dental implants have proven to be the superior choice for tooth replacement.

1. Strength

Bite strength is a very important factor to consider when choosing a tooth replacement option. After all, your ability to enjoy a variety of different foods can have a large impact on both your physical and emotional well-being. When contemplating this factor, you are sure to find that dental implants are the superior option. This is because dental implants offer a bite strength that is comparable to your natural teeth, while dentures offer a significantly weaker bite. This is made possible by the fact that implants are supported by your jawbone while dentures rely on your gums for support.

2. Permanency

Unless you are one of the few people who actually look forward to going to the dentist on a frequent basis, you will find that the permanency of dental implants is yet another area in which these implants have proven to be the superior option. This is because for many people dental implants will last the rest of their life without anything more than standard dental care and good oral hygiene. When choosing to wear dentures, you will find that your dentures must be adjusted or even replaced many times over the years in order to ensure a proper fit. This is because dentures wear away at your gum tissue and jawbone over time. This can change the size and shape of your mouth causing your dentures to fit poorly.

3. Appearance 

One of the reasons that many people seek out a replacement for their missing or damaged teeth is simply to improve their smile. Dental implants offer the most realistic appearance thanks to the fact that they are modeled after your natural teeth in size, shape, and structure 

A Final Thought

While it is true that dental implants will be the best option for many people, the fact is that implants will not be right for everyone. For example, individuals who have suffered significant bone loss may not be good candidates for this dental procedure. In order to best evaluate your candidacy for dental implants, it is important that you schedule an appointment with a reputable dentist to discuss all of your tooth replacement options.


Providing Children With Dental Knowledge

When my three children were young, they were all excited to go to the dentist. The dentist's office was great fun with a large fish tank and a variety of puzzle toys in the waiting room. I liked the pediatric dental office so much that I jumped at the chance when I was offered a receptionist job. Many of the children who came to see the dentist were not nearly as happy as my children. Most kids were scared and anxious, and I learned fairly quickly that the children were worried because they had no idea what to expect. The dentist at the office provided me with a set of dental tools that I could show to the children. I explained how each of the devices worked. This eased the fears, and I started this blog so parents could share dental information with their children before dental visits.