Preventing Dental Implant Failure: 4 Tips

Posted on: 9 September 2016

Making the choice to get dental implants to improve your smile is very often a very wise one. Dental implants are very strong, and if properly cared for, will seldom if ever fail you. However, there is the possibility that you can suffer from peri-implantitis, a gum disease that can cause the dental implants to come out fairly soon after they have been placed. They can also fail if you have health risk factors and other lifestyle issues. To ensure that your dental implants do not fail you, take the following steps:

Maintain Optimal Health

Your oral health can often be directly tied to your overall well-being. If you have an immune system that has been compromised or if you have dealt with a major illness like cancer, there is a chance that you could have an implant that can fail. Smoking or tobacco use can also be a factor. When discussing dental implants with your orthodontist, be sure to discuss your health to determine if implants are a good option or if you should consider a different procedure.

Address Bad Oral Habits

If you have certain bad oral habits, such as teeth grinding or jaw clenching, you will be putting extra stress on your implants. You will have to deal with that issue to ensure that your teeth will remain in place. This can include wearing a mouth guard at night or taking measures to release any pressure on your jaw to prevent clenching.

Consider Bone Loss

If you have any type of bone loss issue or a disease such as osteoporosis, this can present a problem for dental implants. To make your jaw strong enough for the implants, you may have to undergo additional bone grafting procedures to make sure the bone is strong enough to hold the screws in place that will attach to the new tooth.

Prepare For Long-term Care

When you get dental implants, keep in mind that they are a significant investment that must be maintained. Just like you would take preventative care for a home or a car, the same should be done for your implants. Your implants will never decay since they are not real teeth, but that does not give you a pass from regular oral hygiene. Your gums and any authentic teeth left in your mouth must be cared for, or they can cause problems for your implants. Gum disease, such as peri-implantitis, can cause the gums to become infected. Your gums will surround your implants, so it is crucial to keep them healthy so that you don't risk your investment.

For more information, contact Oral Surgery Associates Inc or a similar location.


Providing Children With Dental Knowledge

When my three children were young, they were all excited to go to the dentist. The dentist's office was great fun with a large fish tank and a variety of puzzle toys in the waiting room. I liked the pediatric dental office so much that I jumped at the chance when I was offered a receptionist job. Many of the children who came to see the dentist were not nearly as happy as my children. Most kids were scared and anxious, and I learned fairly quickly that the children were worried because they had no idea what to expect. The dentist at the office provided me with a set of dental tools that I could show to the children. I explained how each of the devices worked. This eased the fears, and I started this blog so parents could share dental information with their children before dental visits.