Daily Dental Care Regimen

Posted on: 14 April 2016

When you take good care of your teeth on a daily basis, you can help them to stay healthy and strong, as well as look good for as long as possible. Each day, you should be following the right dental regimen to clean your teeth correctly and to give them what they need in order to maintain strength. This article will help you to know just what you should be doing every day in order to treat your teeth the way they should be treated.

Brushing your teeth

You should brush your teeth at least two times a day when you wake up and before you go to sleep. However, if you eat something that you know is bad for your teeth, such as very sticky foods, then you may want to brush them afterward to remove any sticky substance on their surfaces that can lead to an excessive buildup of plaque. Use a toothbrush that has a curve to it that makes it easier to reach all areas of your teeth and one with bristles that are firm. If you have sensitive gums, then you should go with softer bristles.

Rinsing your mouth with mouthwash

Before you go to bed, you should rinse your mouth with mouthwash and make sure you don't drink anything for about a half an hour afterward. You don't even want to drink water during this time so the mouthwash can continue to do its job and kill off bacteria and other germs that are in your mouth. 

Carry a dental bag with you

If you spend a good amount of time away from home, or you tend to do a lot of eating out, then it is a good idea for you to make a dental bag for yourself and carry it in your car. The bag should contain a small toothbrush, a small tube of toothpaste, dental floss, an over-the-counter pain reliever for a potential toothache, gauze in case you injure your mouth and dental gel for toothaches.

Watch what you eat

The things you eat can have a negative or positive affect on your teeth. The more foods you eat that are healthy for your teeth, the better chance you will have of keeping them looking and feeling great for longer.

By putting forth extra effort to properly nurture your teeth, you will be able to enjoy a healthier mouth, as well as a better-looking smile. Contact a local dentist for further assistance.


Providing Children With Dental Knowledge

When my three children were young, they were all excited to go to the dentist. The dentist's office was great fun with a large fish tank and a variety of puzzle toys in the waiting room. I liked the pediatric dental office so much that I jumped at the chance when I was offered a receptionist job. Many of the children who came to see the dentist were not nearly as happy as my children. Most kids were scared and anxious, and I learned fairly quickly that the children were worried because they had no idea what to expect. The dentist at the office provided me with a set of dental tools that I could show to the children. I explained how each of the devices worked. This eased the fears, and I started this blog so parents could share dental information with their children before dental visits.