4 Tips For Improving The Appearance Of Your Teeth

Posted on: 20 February 2015

The smile you share with the world is important. If you are like most people, you will want to have healthy teeth that are also attractive. The key to achieving this goal is by practicing good oral hygiene on a daily basis. However, there are additional things you can do on a daily basis that will help improve your smile

Tip #1: Use an over-the-counter whitener

Having pearly whites may take some additional effort. This is especially true if you drink coffee or tea on a regular basis that has the potential to stain your teeth easily.

You can use whitening strips that will effectively reduce any discoloring on your teeth and will work to provide you with the whiter smile immediately.

Tip # 2: Skip the red wine

If you enjoy drinking wine, you may want to choose white wine to drink on a daily basis. This has much less of a chance staining your teeth like that of red wine and for many wine drinkers may actually be the preferred choice.

Tip #3: Don't use tobacco products

Any use of tobacco has the potential to stain your teeth. This includes either smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco on a daily basis. Additionally, gum disease is a common problem for people who use either of these products regularly.

Tip #4: Eat a healthy diet

The food you consume each day will impact the health of your body and your teeth, as well. It is critical to eat a diet that is rich in nutrients and low in fat and sugar.  Be sure to include lean meats, fish products, fruit, and vegetables to allow you to have the right mixture of nutritious foods each day.

Be sure to include food that is enriched with Calcium which will help increase the strength of your teeth.

Tip #5: Don't neglect dental appointments

It is recommended by dental professionals to go in for a routine exam and dental cleaning at least every six months. This will help find any decay and can allow for the proper amount of treatment to be provided that will decrease the potential for significant damage to your teeth.

Finally, you can have the teeth you want without breaking into your bank account. Be sure to talk to your cosmetic dentist about other effective ways to improve your dental appearance without causing any significant damage to your teeth in the process. (For more information, contact Walden Square Dental Care)


Providing Children With Dental Knowledge

When my three children were young, they were all excited to go to the dentist. The dentist's office was great fun with a large fish tank and a variety of puzzle toys in the waiting room. I liked the pediatric dental office so much that I jumped at the chance when I was offered a receptionist job. Many of the children who came to see the dentist were not nearly as happy as my children. Most kids were scared and anxious, and I learned fairly quickly that the children were worried because they had no idea what to expect. The dentist at the office provided me with a set of dental tools that I could show to the children. I explained how each of the devices worked. This eased the fears, and I started this blog so parents could share dental information with their children before dental visits.